Trajectory Laser Kit

Over long distances, trajectory strings and rods can sag, providing inaccurate results. For this reason, a laser is ideal for long distance trajectory reconstructions. This Laser Trajectory Kit includes either a red (BP-1) or green (BP-2) Laser Trajectory Pointer. Designed to be used in conjunction with or in place of trajectory rods. The kit includes four co-aligned steel trajectory rods suitable for use on holes produced by .32 caliber weapons and up. Rods and lasers may be connected in succession, using the included stainless steel connectors.

The additional Red and Green Lasers are for use with the Evi-Paq Trajectory Laser Kit. The Dual Laser Holder allows for the use of two connected lasers in opposing directions. The Photo Laser Fog assist with photography by exposing the path of any laser beam.
